Captured in the valley of horrors underground world of warriors part 17
We then sit upon our cages of horror until the red sky of evil rises from our windows of horror. The silver prince then looks out and sees the creatures children playing in the road of evil.
The small ape creatures of gore then come towards our bars of capture and smile with evil upon their faces of shock. I then hold a shocked luitent megs by the hand while the larger ape monsters carry out screaming humans of torture towards our faces of peril.
Our army of captives then look out from the bars of shock while three humans of mercy and placed inside ropes of horror ready to be hung. The horses then beg for mercy towards the towering creatures leader while the monkey’s begin to gather for the show.
I then hold a shocked luitent megs by the hand while the humans clothing is torn off with force by the large group gorillas. We then cry and scream with anger when the three humans are hung from the red trees of torture.
The jumping apes then rejoice while the humans naked body’s swing in the whistling wind of evil torture. At that moment the horses turn our torn faces away from the window of horror while the apes cut the defeated body’s of two men and a woman down with power.
All of a sudden the silver glances up at the screaming window and sees the humans body’s being carried over towards a small hill of terror. We then just sit in silence while the screams of enjoyment echos over the hills of gore.
written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright wayne mockler