Captured in the valley of horrors underground world of warriors part 24
After the misty creature of horror has finished making love to luitent megs we pull her body away from the golden bed of horrors At that moment the horses carry her naked body downstairs to safety.
me and the silver prince carry her clothing down while the misty monster escapes through the walls of evil torture. All of a sudden the light begin to flicker in the cottage of horror while the front door opens with anger.
The silver prince and horses push our tired bodies towards the open door of safety while howls of horror echo around the cottage of gore. We try and push ourselves out the doorway but a magnetic force keeps us indies while the laughter of evil hits our minds of mercy.
Our eyes then open wide with shock while shadow creatures begin to enter the cottage of hell and torture. We then sit back in the corner of capture while the ghostly creatures swirl around the room of horror.
written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright wayne mockler