The planet of the dog creatures part 5
At that moment a bight light hits the devil dogs eyes of horror and blinds their view with shocking bliss. We then begin our escape in this dome of evil while the creatures are stunned with shock.
I then grab a shocked luitent megs while we pull away from the green road of terror and run down a back alley of sin. The dogs of horror then howl with shocking gore whilst we make our escape into the unknown.
The silver prince and horses then lead us down a long green road of mystery while the wizard hits his dogs of gore in anger at our escape At that moment the bight light suddenly appears once more and point towards a white door of mystery.
Our army then stand startled with shock while the white door suddenly opens and a golden hand appears with shocking terror. The golden hand then guides us inside with resentment while the devil dogs get closer with dripping mouths of bloody torture.
Once inside the the white door we become consumed with shock at the room of nothing and the white of mystery hitting our faces of peril. All of a sudden the golden door shuts tight and the room suddenly turns into a western saloon with golden cats drinking near the bar of mystery and wearing cowboy hats of shock.
written by wayne mockler
ownership and copyright wayne mockler